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Eclipse IDE 2019-12: The Ultimate Guide for Java Developers


How to Download and Use Eclipse IDE for Java Development

Eclipse IDE is an open source platform that provides a rich set of tools for developing applications using various programming languages, such as Java, C/C++, Python, PHP, Ruby, and more. Eclipse IDE is especially popular among Java developers, as it offers a comprehensive Java development environment that supports the latest features and frameworks. In this article, you will learn how to install Eclipse IDE on Windows, how to create a simple Java project, and some tips and tricks to make the most of Eclipse.

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How to Install Eclipse on Windows

Installing Eclipse IDE on Windows is easy and straightforward. Just follow these steps:

  • Go to [1]( and click on the "Download x86_64" button.

  • Save the eclipse-inst-win64.exe file in your preferred location.

  • Run the eclipse-inst-win64.exe file. You may get a security warning, but if the publisher is Eclipse Foundation, you can safely click on Run.

  • Select "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" from the list of packages.

  • Choose the installation folder for Eclipse. The default folder will be in your user directory.

  • Click on Install and wait for the installation process to complete.

  • Launch Eclipse by clicking on the shortcut created on your desktop or start menu.

How to Create a Simple Java Project in Eclipse

Once you have installed and launched Eclipse, you can create your first Java project by following these steps:

  • Click on File New Java Project.

  • Enter a name for your project, such as "HelloWorld".

  • Select an execution environment for your project, such as "JavaSE-1.8". This determines the compiler compliance level and the default JRE for your project.

  • Click on Finish. You will see your project created in the Package Explorer view.

  • Right-click on your project name and select New Class.

  • Enter a name for your class, such as "HelloWorld". Check the box for "public static void main(String[] args)" to create the main method for your class.

  • Click on Finish. You will see your class created in the editor area.

  • Type "System.out.println("Hello, world!");" inside the main method. This is the code that will print a message to the console.

  • Save your class by clicking on File Save or pressing Ctrl+S.

  • Run your program by clicking on Run Run As Java Application or pressing Ctrl+F11.

  • You will see the output "Hello, world!" in the Console view.

Congratulations! You have just created and run your first Java program in Eclipse IDE.

Eclipse Tips and Tricks

Eclipse IDE offers many features and shortcuts that can help you write code faster and easier. Here are some of the most useful tips and tricks that you should know:

Content Assist

Content assist is a feature that shows you a list of suggested completions for your code. You can activate it by pressing Ctrl+Space. For example, if you type "System.out." and press Ctrl+Space, you will see a list of methods and fields that belong to the System class. You can use the arrow keys to navigate the list and press Enter to insert the selected item. Content assist can also show you the Javadoc information for each item if you hover over it with your mouse.

Parameter Hint

Parameter hint is a feature that shows you a list of parameter hints for a method call. You can activate it by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Space. For example, if you type "System.out.println(" and press Ctrl+Shift+Space, you will see a list of possible arguments that you can pass to the println method. You can use the arrow keys to navigate the list and press Enter to insert the selected item. Parameter hint can also show you the Javadoc information for each item if you hover over it with your mouse.

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Camel Case Support in Code Completion

Camel case support is a feature that allows you to use camel case patterns to find types and methods in code completion. Camel case is a naming convention where each word in a name is capitalized, except for the first word. For example, "StringBuffer" is a camel case name. You can use the first letter of each word in a camel case name to find it in code completion. For example, if you type "SB" and press Ctrl+Space, you will see "StringBuffer" as one of the suggestions. This can save you time when typing long names.

Creating Getters and Setters

Getters and setters are methods that allow you to access and modify the fields of a class. Eclipse IDE can help you generate getters and setters automatically for your fields. To do this, right-click on your class name in the Package Explorer view and select Source Generate Getter and Setter. You will see a dialog box where you can select which fields you want to generate getters and setters for. You can also choose the visibility, order, and format of the methods. Click on OK to generate the methods.

Generating hashCode() and equals() Methods

The hashCode() and equals() methods are used to compare objects for equality and hashing purposes. Eclipse IDE can help you generate these methods automatically for your class. To do this, right-click on your class name in the Package Explorer view and select Source Generate hashCode() and equals(). You will see a dialog box where you can select which fields you want to use for comparison. You can also choose whether to use Java 7 or Java 8 style of code generation. Click on OK to generate the methods.

Adding Code Around a Block of Code

Sometimes, you may want to add some code around a block of code, such as an if statement, a try-catch block, or a loop. Eclipse IDE can help you do this easily with a shortcut. To do this, select the block of code that you want to enclose and press Alt+Shift+Z. You will see a menu of items that can enclose the selected block of code, such as if-else, try-catch-finally, while-do, etc. Select one of them and Eclipse IDE will add the code around your block of code.

Locating a Matching Bracket

If you have nested brackets in your code, such as parentheses, curly braces, or square brackets, it can be hard to find the matching bracket for a given bracket. Eclipse IDE can help you locate the matching bracket with a shortcut. To do this, place your cursor next to one of the brackets and press Ctrl+Shift+ P. Eclipse IDE will highlight the matching bracket for you. You can also jump to the matching bracket by pressing Ctrl+P.

Smart Javadoc

Javadoc is a tool that generates HTML documentation from comments in Java source code. Eclipse IDE can help you write Javadoc comments easily with a shortcut. To do this, type '/' and press Enter before the declaration of a class, method, or field. Eclipse IDE will automatically add a Javadoc comment stub with the appropriate tags and parameters. You can then fill in the details of the comment.

Organizing Imports

Imports are statements that allow you to use classes and methods from other packages in your code. Eclipse IDE can help you organize your imports with a shortcut. To do this, press Ctrl+Shift+O. Eclipse IDE will automatically add, remove, or sort your imports according to the Java conventions. You can also customize the import order and grouping in the preferences.

Activating the Menu Bar

The menu bar is the horizontal bar at the top of the Eclipse IDE window that contains various menus, such as File, Edit, Run, Window, Help, etc. Sometimes, you may want to access the menu bar without using your mouse. Eclipse IDE can help you activate the menu bar with a shortcut. To do this, press F10. Eclipse IDE will highlight the first menu item on the menu bar. You can then use the arrow keys to navigate the menus and press Enter to select an item.

Making a View/Editor Active

A view is a component of the Eclipse IDE window that shows some information or provides some functionality, such as Package Explorer, Console, Problems, etc. An editor is a component of the Eclipse IDE window that allows you to edit a file, such as Java Editor, Text Editor, XML Editor, etc. Sometimes, you may want to switch between different views and editors without using your mouse. Eclipse IDE can help you make a view or editor active with a shortcut. To do this, press Ctrl+F7. Eclipse IDE will show you a list of open views and editor area on the bottom right corner of the window. You can then use the arrow keys to navigate the list and press Enter to make one of them active.

Grouping Related Projects in Working Sets

A working set is a way of organizing projects and views in Eclipse IDE. You can use working sets to group related projects together and filter out irrelevant ones. For example, if you have multiple projects for different clients or modules, you can create a working set for each client or module and switch between them easily. To create a working set, click on the downward arrow next to the Package Explorer view and select Configure Working Sets. You will see a dialog box where you can create, edit, or delete working sets. You can also select which working sets you want to show in the Package Explorer view.


In this article, you have learned how to download and use Eclipse IDE for Java development. You have also learned some tips and tricks to make your coding experience more efficient and enjoyable. Eclipse IDE is a powerful and versatile tool that can help you create high-quality Java applications with ease. If you want to learn more about Eclipse IDE, you can visit its official website [2]( or check out some of these resources:

  • [Eclipse Documentation]

  • [Eclipse Tutorials]

  • [Eclipse Forums]

  • [Eclipse YouTube Channel]


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about Eclipse IDE:

Q: How do I update Eclipse IDE?

A: You can update Eclipse IDE by clicking on Help Check for Updates. Eclipse IDE will check for any available updates and prompt you to install them.

Q: How do I change the theme or font size of Eclipse IDE?

A: You can change the theme or font size of Eclipse IDE by clicking on Window Preferences General Appearance. You will see options to change the theme, colors, fonts, and icons of Eclipse IDE.

Q: How do I debug my Java program in Eclipse IDE?

A: You can debug your Java program in Eclipse IDE by clicking on Run Debug As Java Application or pressing F11. Eclipse IDE will launch your program in debug mode and open the Debug perspective. You can then use breakpoints, step into, step over, step return, resume, terminate, watch expressions, variables view, etc., to debug your program.

Q: How do I Q: How do I export my Java project as a runnable JAR file in Eclipse IDE?

A: You can export your Java project as a runnable JAR file in Eclipse IDE by clicking on File Export Java Runnable JAR file. You will see a dialog box where you can select the launch configuration, the export destination, the library handling, and the manifest attributes for your JAR file. Click on Finish to export your JAR file.

Q: How do I install plugins or extensions for Eclipse IDE?

A: You can install plugins or extensions for Eclipse IDE by clicking on Help Install New Software. You will see a dialog box where you can select the update site or repository for the plugin or extension that you want to install. You can also browse the Eclipse Marketplace [3]( to find and install plugins or extensions from various vendors and categories. 44f88ac181

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