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This Cardboard Box Can Tell You What It Sees: Meet the Inventor Behind the World's Smartest Box


  • Once the box is packed, you should use packing tape to close it tightly, then write on the top of the box what is in it, thus making it easier to locate items after you move."}},"@type": "Question","name": "Can cardboard moving boxes be reused multiple times?","acceptedAnswer": "@type": "Answer","text": "Cardboard boxes can be reused numerous times if they're in good shape and have not gotten wet. Before packing and reusing, carefully examine them to ensure that the boxes are in good condition with no rips or soft spots.","@type": "Question","name": "What can you use if run out of moving boxes?","acceptedAnswer": "@type": "Answer","text": "If you have used up all your moving boxes, there are a number of items you already have on hand that can be used to pack your belongings in. Clothes hampers, laundry baskets, suitcases, and garbage bags all work well to pack stuff in when moving."]}]}] .icon-garden-review-1fill:#b1dede.icon-garden-review-2fill:none;stroke:#01727a;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round > buttonbuttonThe Spruce The Spruce's Instagram The Spruce's TikTok The Spruce's Pinterest The Spruce's Facebook NewslettersClose search formOpen search formSearch DecorRoom Design

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Where you may see a simple cardboard box, your cat sees a safe, luxury cave that promises warmth and protection. We recommend providing your cat with a box in your home to give them a safe space for them to escape to.

This Cardboard Box Can Tell You What It Sees

Wearing a cardboard box in the wrong place or running around while wearing a box will raise a guard's suspicions, while being in a guard's patrol route or being discovered by troops clearing an area can lead the soldiers to expose Snake. Namely, if they bump into the box, they will wonder what a box is doing nearby and investigate by pulling up the box, leading to the player's discovery. The only exception to this rule is in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater while Naked Snake is disguised as Major Raikov: If the player during this time hides in a cardboard box and the personnel walks into it, the soldier will remove it, but will instead salute Snake after removing the box, due to their belief that he is Major Raikov. During modes of gameplay such as "Evasion" and "Alert", it is likely that a sentry coming into the path of the box will become inquisitive and investigate the cardboard box. In the "Evasion - Clearing" mode, soldiers are liable to fire directly at the box or remove the box from the ground for inspection. Sometimes, moving around in a cardboard box in front of a guard will make a guard shoot at it. If the player stops moving, the guard may lose interest and resume his patrols.

Cardboard boxes may be destroyed from too much gunfire or physical assault. Wet cardboard boxes will break apart faster. In Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots it is strongly advisable to not hide under a cardboard box while fighting the B&B Corps in their Beauty forms. They will break it apart instantly, wasting a box. Furthermore the tactical use of a cardboard box has somewhat been reduced, as Old Snake could rely on his Octocamo suit or a drum can to avoid detection.

In Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, the cardboard box can again be used to evade detection. Enemy soldiers, however, will fire their weapons at the box upon its discovery, resulting in Snake receiving some damage to his health. Snake can be transported around the enemy fortress by climbing aboard conveyor belt-loaded trucks, with the box equipped. In addition to the cardboard box, Snake can also utilize a washbucket as an effective hiding spot. In the original game, the description for the cardboard box mentioned takkyūbin (タッキュウビン), which was an express delivery service used by the Yamato Transport company in Japan. The Virtual Console version replaced this with the more generic takuhaibin (タクハイビン), presumably due to copyright issues.

In the Plant chapter, Raiden will witness a man hiding beneath a cardboard box if the player heads immediately to the CD connecting bridge, after the meeting with Peter Stillman in Strut C. As the player approaches, the man in the box will run away. The box itself can also be destroyed by shooting at it, something which is later mentioned in a conversation with Iroquois Pliskin. If Raiden finds his own cardboard box, Pliskin will tell him to "treat it with love"; he'll also comment, "Y'know, I've lost a couple thanks to you," if the player shot at him on the CD connecting bridge, prior to the conversation.

There was originally going to be a fourth cardboard box called Cardboard Box D, although it was invisible, only showing what Snake does when inside the cardboard box. It can be found by modding the game.

In Metal Gear Online, the cardboard box could also be used for surprise attacks. If the player's stamina was low, getting in a cardboard box and staying still would replenish it. In the original version included in Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, the box served little purpose as the player's name would still appear above it. This was fixed in Metal Gear Online's latest incarnation, with the player names removed when in a box, and other boxes scattered around areas to give the camouflage some value. It was also used for "box dodging." This allowed the player to dodge headshots if it was equipped very fast while running, then removed in less than a second after its been equipped; When the player caught on fire, they could equip this item to immediately extinguish it. A bonus equipment could also be unlocked called the box hat, which was a cardboard box that's small enough to be worn in a similar manner to a helmet, by pre-ordering any of the game's expansions.

In addition, the Peace Walker Assassin's Creed trailer revealed the existence of another variant of the cardboard box: The Assassin's Straw Box. Although fans initially assumed that it was an April fools joke due to the humorous tone of the commercial, the timing of its airing, as well as the airing of a similar commercial around the time of Metal Gear Solid 4's development, its existence in-game was later confirmed. The Assassin's straw box is acquired by going to the Mine Base during the story mission Travel to the Mine Base, going onto the roof of the southeastern most building, and then doing a dive known as the Leap of Faith (also taken from Assassin's Creed) into the box when prompted. It also requires at least one open space in the equipment menu, as otherwise, the player will "bounce off" the Assassin's strawbox. Upon procuring it via the soaring dive, Miller will contact the player and give a "historical account" on the usage of the Assassin's Straw Box. Keeping the Assassin's straw box to the end of the level upon first acquiring it will also result in it being included with Mother Base's menu and mass-produced. When the player equips and uses the Assassin's strawbox, the player will, if approached by a soldier and when prompted, drag the soldier into the strawbox and beat him up severely. If it is used in this manner during CO-OP, the other player will also send the soldier they beat up away via fulton recovery to be recruited into MSF. The assassin's straw box is also fragile, with overuse or a roll attack being enough to disintegrate it.

If the player attracts the attention of any FOB guards or enemy soldiers while in a cardboard box, yet still being far enough away that it doesn't trigger an alert, the guard will call CP about how a cardboard box is moving, with the CP eventually becoming irritated enough at the calls that they simply tell the soldier to knock it off despite the soldier's protests,[28][29][30] only giving permission to fire upon the guard pointing out that he can see feet sticking out and/or that it's walking.[31][32][33] After the soldier opens fire on the box and destroys it, the soldier then calls in and tells the CP it's been taken care of albeit expressing confusion that there wasn't anything happening, with the CP then telling the soldier to go see a psychiatrist afterwards.[34][35][36]

Removing the cardboard box at the end of the taunt deals a minor amount of damage and knockback, making Snake's taunt one of the few that can double as an attack. Crazily enough, the damage dealt by the box this way will actually instantly break a smash ball if it manages to hit a Smash Ball as it flies by. Similarly, the box has enough knockback to instantly defeat an enemy on Super Sudden Death mode if Snake manages to hit them with the box. 2ff7e9595c


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